The Prediction of Corporate Social Responsibility Impact on Competitive Advantage: An Artificial Neural Network Approach

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Sami Abdullah Albahussain
Wael Hassan El-Garaihy
Abdel-Kader Mohamed Mobarak


Effective measure and analysis of the effect of (CSR) on (CA) are a fundamental first step in its development. To achieve this purpose, this study conducts a discussion on developing the neural network models. The validity of neural network model to measure and forecast the effect of CSR on CA is principally enhanced. The data of marketing managers are extracted from a survey of Saudi Arabian industrial corporates. The sample is composed of 400 corporates from a diversified amount of industries that supply the foundation for model development. An analytical foundation for the significance of our standard in evaluating the effect of CSR on CA is also provided by the study. Nevertheless, the study illustrates the necessity for further research before neural network models may be efficiently utilized for sensitivity analyses that include limited aspects of service quality.

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