Application of Fuzzy Multi-objective Decision Making Model for Adapted Cropping Pattern to climate change: A Case Study of Pishin River Basin of Iran

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M. Hashemitabar
A. Akbari
J. Shahreki


Water management denotes one of the most critical problems that face the national interests in the current and near future, especially in the middle east, where, according to UNESCO, the main interstate conflicts over water occur/will occur in that region. Given that agricultural irrigation water accounts for 80% consumption of the world’s water resources, better agricultural systems management can play a critical role in the peaceful resolution of such crisis. Agricultural sector of Iran on the basis of special climate and geographic position poses many challenges and problems. Among these challenges, crop selection and water management are very important. That is, to decide on the proper set of crops to be cultivated and a proper irrigation scheme. So farmers must balance conflicting objectives when planning production. Conflicts may embrace economic, environmental, cultural, social, technical, and aesthetic objectives. Selecting the best combination of management uses from numerous objectives is difficult. Fuzzy Multi-Objective Decision making (FMCD) Models provides a systematic technique for selecting alternatives that best satisfy the farmer’s objectives when objectives or restrictions are not clear. Fuzzy multiple criteria decision making models generally rely on the aggregation of the objectives to form a decision function and it allows trade-off among the objectives, and has been shown to be suitable to model decision making behavior. Such decisions are made to realize a certain objectives that typically include the maximization of net profit and the minimization of required investment, minimization of water consumption. So in this research an adapted crop pattern was determined by using Fuzzy Multi-Objective decision making model.

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