The Development of Vision in Construction Engineering Organization of Zanjan along with the Formulation of Strategic Plan

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Ebrahim Bagheri
Mostafa Jafari


The vision shows the path to achieve the goals of the organization. Without vision, the direction, the tasks of organization’s units, and their contribution in each of the functions will not be clear. The reason of ineffectiveness in Construction Engineers Organization of Zanjan may be the lack of appropriate vision. In this case, the non-aligned and heterogonous efforts may cause the organization do not move in proper direction and several attempts will thwart each other. The research question is: how the vision of Construction Engineers Organization in Zanjan should be redeveloped? What factors of general and operational environment impact on it? In any case, understanding is a necessity to achieve the vision and the formulation of vision and strategic plan requires knowledge of the subject. There are different techniques for analyzing the political, economic, social, and technological macro environment; the pest model is one of them. In this technique, the political, economic, social, and technological macro factors in organization will be analyzed. Today, the economic environment of Iran has created specific conditions for the business environment such as high inflation, international sanctions, and economic policies like targeted subsidies. This study aimed to analyze the macro environment of Construction Engineers Organization in Zanjan in order to identify and prioritize the political, economic, social, and technological factors affecting it.

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