Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters in the Light of the Lisbon Treaty

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Dragne Luminiţa
George Dorel Matei


Cooperation between states is a principle laid on foundation of the entire international legal system. In order to maintain international peace and security states have the main obligation to cooperate with each other to solve any problems which may arise and at the cooperation base must stand the good faith of the states in international relations. International cooperation in criminal matters appears as a natural consequence, a particular application basis of the great principle of the obligation of states to cooperation. International crime is a phenomenon that has grown in recent decades and is manifest in all fields that have a wide variety of organizational forms and appropriate techniques. In the European Union, as well as in other international organizations are made efforts to combat this phenomenon. Fighting international crime, prevention and combating it is for the international community priorities and one of the most effective ways to achieve these goals is the international cooperation.

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