International Wine Contest Bucharest (IWCB) – Promotional Tool for Wine and Vine

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Paduraru, Catalin
Galbeaza, Maria
Antoce, Oana Arina


The International Wine Contest Bucharest is a contest which achieved all the established objectives, regarding the number of samples gathered for evaluation, assessment by a competent and credible jury, compliance with the international procedures, optimum technical conditions, effective communication, high level of consumer acceptance, becoming a bivalent factor in the wine world, transmitting information to and from the product, engaging consumers and producers alike. The paper aims to identify the changes in wine contest in 2013 compared to 2011 and 2012, in those regarding the number and types of samples, the specialists invited in the jury and their perceptions on Romanian wines. In pursuing this, data regarding the samples of the 2011, 2012 and 2013 contests have been compared. The main results show that International Wine Contest held in Bucharest changed slightly from 2011 to 2013. Thus, the number of samples increased and more foreign jury specialists participated. Meanwhile, samples white-red wines and samples of all over the Romanian wine regions remained balanced.

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