The Dilemma of Success and Failure in Family Business: Overcoming Failure and Attaining Success

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Amber Qurashi
Iftikhar Hussain
Faryal Mushtaq
Assad- Ullah


The purpose of this study was to describe the present circumstances and setbacks of the family owned business in Pakistan. The current study has described the characteristics, types and the threats to the family business in Pakistan. This emphasizes on variables that differentiate successful family owned businesses from non successful family owned businesses. It also shed light on the mode of financing that are used by the family business and also on the succession plan that is adopted by the family business. This is a secondary data based study and the data is gathered from the past research papers, newspapers, dissertations, economic bulletins and websites. This analysis demonstrates several key findings, literature analysis reveal six different factors that are necessary for the success of the family business. It also describes the threats that are faced by the family business and this research paper also suggests a model to cope up the threats to the family business. This study describes that if there will be a clear vision, shared values, clear procedure, expectations and proper succession plan, this will show the way to acquire the success of family business. After analyzing the threats this study suggests ten different dynamics which will be helpful to meet those threats. The study also describes the ways and procedures that are necessary for the survival and growth of the business after each succession.

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