Management’s Perceptions on the Ability of Website Marketing in Enhancing and Maintaining Organizational Reputation: Evidence from Zimbabwe’s Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Sector

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Kumbirayi (nee Makuyana) Chowa
Nadia Farhana


The study is a direct response to the twenty-first century Marketing 4.0 digital quotient technologies, in which business activities have significantly been transformed due to technological innovations. Marketing 4.0 is a new era of marketing in which business transactions are done online. In that vein, the study provides a qualitative exploration of the perceptions of managers concerning the ability of Website Marketing in enhancing and maintaining organisational reputation within Zimbabwe’s pharmaceutical manufacturing sector. The study engages a qualitative methodology on a sample size of 21 managers chosen purposively from the seven medicinal drug manufacturing companies located in Harare. This qualitative analysis is conducted using the Key Informant Interview Guide as the major research instrument. The results demonstrate that website marketing enhances and
maintains organisational reputation through responding to clients promptly online, encouraging the promotion of organisational brands to manage positive organisation-client relationships as well as instilling a spirit of trust of the organisation among clients. Website marketing allows reputation marketing where businesses monitor, promote and highlight positive posts, feedback, comments, reviews and other content about their brand. Addressing customer issues and feedback enhance exceptional customer experience and help business in product improvement (high quality products), which will then lead to customer satisfaction and influence brand loyalty and hence become more loyal to the brand. Business organisations should engage website marketing as it provides a sense of confidence and trust in an organisation among clients. Customer reviews and feedback give businesses insight into customer satisfaction levels, guide organisations in detecting and addressing customer issues instantly in order to build a base of loyal customers, thereby enhancing customer retention and organizational reputation.

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