The Importance of Integrate Green Management System Based on Performance Evaluation in Enterprise: A Systematic Literature Review

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Ying Mingyi
Tang Sai Hong
Eris Elianddy b. Supeni


Right from the outset, both green management and performance evaluation have played a pivotal role as essential components in enterprise management, new industrial management standards, and evolving environmental protection requirements. Initially, green management was introduced in specific industries and organizations, yielding exceptional outcomes in certain domains. In the contemporary business landscape, numerous eco-friendly management approaches exist within the enterprise management sector, offering environmentally-conscious avenues for development. However, it is noteworthy that some enterprises prioritize economic gains over prudent environmental stewardship.This paper aims to underscore the significance of the green management system in conjunction with performance evaluation within enterprises. The research outcomes unveil a positive correlation between green management implementation and performance outcomes within enterprises. This research contributes valuably to the advancement of green management practices within enterprises, while also laying a solid foundation for prospective investigations.

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